Wednesday, June 10, 2009

what i learned realated to technology

I’ve learnt that a lot of technology is used on a lot of things like testing on animals, and lung x-rays for smokers and lots more things.

3 positive outcomes

Three positive outcomes are that I’ve learnt more about smoking then I used to know, and I’ve gotten better at making presentations, and learnt ways to make my work better.

Monday, June 1, 2009

the effects fromsmoking !!

I've moved on to the topic "problems that smoking is causing" , i've learnt that when you smoke your lungs get covered in layers of sticky tar and it stops you from breathing propelly. I'm planning on doing my project in the form of a maigazine. I think that some of the criteria should be, nice cover, a table of content, interesting deatails, and a great topic !!! what helped me alot with completing my project was looking at other peoples blogs , and the "criteria for presentation" sheet that Mrs.Knapik gave me

Friday, May 29, 2009

respiraory system !!

I am researching the respiraory system and how it works, I'm finding out about stuff i've never know about like , the surface area of the lungs is roughly the same size as a tennis court, or that the highest recorded sneeze speed is 165 km per hour !!!! Before I go on to talk about the problems smoking causes your lungs, I'm going to study the respiraory ststem and what it's like when it's in a healthy condition.

Monday, May 11, 2009

the problems smoking causes

i'm planning on doing my project on the things smoking does to your lungs and the way your lungs react to it..